Why Was the Book of Enoch Removed From the Bible?

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The Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish religious work, traditionally attributed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah.  It is not part of the canon of the Hebrew Bible, but is considered to be part of the pseudepigrapha, a collection of texts written in the period between the Old and New Testaments, but not included in the canon.  The Book of Enoch was widely read and considered authoritative by early Jewish communities, and is quoted in the New Testament’s book of Jude.

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However, over time, the canon of the Hebrew Bible was formally established, and the canonicity of the Book of Enoch was debated.  The book was eventually rejected by the Jewish community and not included in the Hebrew Bible.  The main reason for this rejection is that the book was not written in Hebrew, but in Aramaic, a language spoken by the Jews in the period after the Babylonian exile.  Additionally, the book’s origins are uncertain, and it is believed to have been written by multiple authors over a period of time.

Christian communities also debated the canonicity of the Book of Enoch.  While some early Christian writers such as Justin Martyr and Tertullian considered the book to be authoritative, it was not included in the canon of the New Testament.  The main reason for this is that the book was not written by Enoch himself, but by later Jewish authors who attributed it to him, and it also contains teachings that are not in agreement with the New Testament.

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In the modern era, the Book of Enoch has been studied and translated by scholars, and is considered to be an important work of Jewish and Christian apocryphal literature.  The text provides a glimpse into the beliefs and practices of ancient Jewish communities, and contains a complex cosmology and eschatology, including fallen angels and the end of the world.

Despite its exclusion from the canon, the Book of Enoch has had a significant impact on religious thought and literature.  For example, the concept of the “Watchers”, a group of angels who disobeyed God and intermarried with human women, is found in the Book of Enoch and is also mentioned in the book of Genesis.  The book also influenced the development of Jewish and Christian apocalypticism, and is considered to be a source for the New Testament’s book of Jude, which quotes from the book directly.

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In conclusion, the Book of Enoch was removed from the Bible due to its uncertain origins, its being written in Aramaic, and its teachings not being in agreement with the New Testament.  Despite its exclusion from the canon, the book has had a significant impact on religious thought and literature and continues to be studied by scholars.

