Prayers for Wisdom and Understanding

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Prayers for Wisdom

Heavenly Father, I am constantly faced with various challenges that require deep thought in my life.  I continuously experience circumstances where I feel so much pressure in making the right choice.  I often feel overwhelmed with how much thought I need to put in to resolve my problems.  Most of the time, I find myself feeling overwhelmed.  Lord, you are the source of infinite wisdom.  Today, I am humbly asking that you bless me with this gift.  Grant me the spirit of wisdom so I may be guided in choosing the right path.  I am terrified of going astray and forgetting about your Son’s wise teachings.  The temptations of nothing thinking this through, at times, becomes hard to resist.  By having wisdom, I will be able to discern and judge what is right from wrong.  Being your servant, my ultimate goal in my spiritual life is to follow in your footsteps.  I want to help spread your word so that other people may also experience your love and compassion.  I want to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ, your Son, who has faithfully followed your teachings.  I want to help proclaim how great and mighty your powers are.  You have always been by my side as a Father, Teacher, Friend, and Provider.  I pray that you will shower me with your wisdom every day of my life.  Please help me maximize my talents and potential, so I can worship you in the best way that I can.


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Prayer for Knowledge

Dear God, I have always believed in the saying, “Knowledge is power.”  Without it, I wouldn’t be able to get through my daily life.  I want to be able to accumulate proper knowledge so that I could lead a full life.  By being knowledgeable, I am able to share your holy word with other people.  I would be able to tell them that you are the only true God.  Lord, you are absolute and all-knowing.  You know of everything that is happening in this world even before it takes place.  You’re the only one who has the power to do that.  You are the ultimate source of knowledge.  Please bless me with this wonderful gift so that I too may experience clarity and understanding.  Knowledge is one of the greatest abilities you have generously gifted to your people.  Today, I pray that the knowledge I have may positively influence other people’s lives.  I pray that I will have the knowledge to help people who are struggling, desperate, or in pain.  I pray that I may be a wonderful example of what it truly means to be a good Christian.  Lord, I believe that the knowledge you have given me is much greater than any material thing in this life.  I want to thank you for granting me this gift every day of my life.  It is my hope that I will further enhance my knowledge about your teachings in the years to come.


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prayers for wisdom and knowledge - Proverbs 3:13

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Prayer for Understanding

Almighty Father, I could never thank you enough for letting your only son Jesus Christ to die to save me from my sins.  Your word has been a constant hope for all of mankind.  Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit into my life to guide me to the path of righteousness.  Today, I come to you in prayer asking for understanding.  As I’m reading the scripture, I gain a deeper understanding of your teachings, and what it is to be a good Christian.  With each passing day, I want to be closer to you dear Lord.  Please help me honor your holy name in the best way I can.  I want to feel more confident in spreading your word to other people.  Grant me your understanding so that I will know which road to take.  Sometimes it’s difficult to distinguish between right and wrong.  By having the gift of understanding, I will be able to influence more people in a positive way.  I need to understand that the world is a diverse place and that people can be much different than I.  Even though we have our differences, I think everyone should know of your teachings and make an informed decision afterwords.  They will hopefully understand how wonderful you are.  It would serve as a reminder for people that they are not alone in this world.  I will hope to have them realize that you are always there to lend a helping hand.



Prayer for Balance

Loving Father, with the amount of tasks I have to fulfill each day, I often feel like giving up.  I’m finding it very difficult to find balance between my family life, career, and social life.  No matter how much I try to accomplish in a single day, I am always left with so many things left to do.  You are the only person I can turn to during these confusing times.  I am praying to you today asking for your help.  I want to achieve the perfect balance in my life.  I love my family very much and I want to provide the best for them.  I have to also give quite a bit of my time to my job, colleagues, and profession.  I have worked very hard to get to where I am today.  My friends are also a very important part of my life.  Without them, life would be as exciting and enjoyable.  I can always rely on them for whenever I need help.  These past couple of days, I find it almost impossible to fit these three things in my life.  I don’t know how to allot my time properly.  I pray that you would grant me balance so I will know how to divide my time between my family, friends, and career.  Lord, I know in my heart that there is a solution to my problem.  I believe that you’ll be able to help me find a way to create the perfect balance in my life.  Thank again for listening to my prayer.


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With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding.

Job 12:12

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Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.

Proverbs 3:13

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Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.

Proverbs 19:20


Prayer for Discernment

Lord God, everyday should be praised for what it is; a new opportunity unfolding in front of our eyes.  With love, patience, and mercy only you can enable us to seek out the truth through understanding.  The holy will in us will mark new beginnings.  Discernment can bring me closer to constructing a solid spiritual foundation.  The most secure and loving path that I could ever get is through you.  Shine light where there is darkness.  Help me find the correct path when there are so many wrong ones.  Give me the ability to judge others well so I can avoid betrayal and dishonesty.  I do not want to associate with those who live so opposite of your message.  I could use this more than ever with what has been currently going on in my life and those that I know.  Thank you for hearing my prayer, Lord.


