Saint Adele Biography

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ layout=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none” last=”no” hover_type=”none” link=”” border_position=”all”][fusion_text]Saint Adele would probably be considered one of the lesser known saints.  There is little information known about her or her family.[/fusion_text][fusion_code]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[/fusion_code][fusion_text]

Saint Adele

Saint Adele’s birth is unknown.  She was the daughter of King Dagobert II who was the king of Germany.  Her mother was Chimnechild of Burgundy.  King Dagobert II is also recognized as a saint for defending Christians in Germany.  Being the daughter of a king she was born into significant wealth.  This is significant considering she took a vow of poverty later in life.  There was another saint, Irmina Austrasia, who was thought to be her sister.  There are recent challenges to this idea.  Modern scholars now think that Irmina may have been the daughter of a powerful Austrasian noble family.

There is nothing known about her husband.  They had a son who later became the father of Saint Gregory of Utrecht.  She was always a devout Christian, but wholly devoted her life to God after her husband’s death.  After making arrangements for the care of her son, she became a nun, took a vow of poverty, and started a convent at Palatiolum.  She became its first abbess.[/fusion_text][fusion_text]

Saint Adele & Saint Boniface

Saint Adele is thought to be one of the first disciples of Saint Boniface.  He acted as her spiritual leader.  He could have very well of been the person that suggested that she starts a convent.  Saint Boniface is a very significant figure because he helped push Christianity into Germania by establishing and organizing churches.

Saint Adele passed into heaven in 730.  The exact date is unknown.

Saint Adele’s Feast day

Her feast day is December 24th.  She is venerated in the Catholic Church.

Even though she is a lesser known saint it is still good to know of her contribution to Christianity.  Even if you are a Christian who doesn’t acknowledge sainthood, it’s at least good to know the history behind it.  If it wasn’t for those who established Christianity in certain parts of the world, you may have never discovered your faith.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
