Prayers for Forgiveness, Mercy, and Absolution

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Prayers for Forgiveness

Almighty Lord, I am thankful for this day that you have given us.  However, I do not have any words to express how filthy I am.  The shame and the guilt are overwhelming.  I need your forgiveness right now.  Although I always try to follow your message, I still partake in the things you dislike.  I am so sorry.  I am asking for your mercy right now.  Please forgive me for what I’ve done.  I am left shocked that at this point in my life I’m still committing these foolish actions.  I have a pain in my soul that needs to be mended.  Give me new thoughts of kindness and compassion.

Father, forgive me for not forgiving others and for my future trespasses.  Help me to practice love and respect.  Forgive me for deceiving by lying to those I love and care about.  We all need to be forgiven at times.   With all my heart I love and adore you and I am sorry for my selfish behavior.  The compassion and grace that comes from you is true and amazing.  I cast my burden at your feet.  Without your mercies and grace, I am nothing.  But with your forgiveness, I am whole again, and I can triumph over evil.  Give me the strength to live a holy life.  You are the alpha and the omega.  I pray in Jesus’s name.


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Prayer of Absolution

Lord Jesus, I come before you this day and bow my head as I confess that I have forgotten to follow in your footsteps.  I have fallen short of your infinite glory.  I ask for your forgiveness and strength.  Open my heart Lord and give me a clear mind so I can understand my shortcomings.  Regardless of what I am doing, remind me to be who you want me to be.  Hold me as I strive to build positive relationships with others.

Just like a lost sheep, I have erred and strayed from your ways, but I implore you not to hold these sins against me.  In the past I have always followed what my heart desires.  I have done things that I should not have done, and I have abandon the things that I should have done.  As an offender of your law, have mercy on me Lord.  According to your promise, help restore me back to your path as a loyal follower.  Above everything else, allow me to live a holy and righteous life.  Fill me with the Holy Spirit and cleanse me of evil thoughts through the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.


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Prayer of Absolution

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Prayer of Mercy

Almighty Father, here I am before you to ask for your mercy because of my failures and recent digressions from the good path.  I ask for your assistance in this time of need.  Give me your empowerment of grace to sow the mercy that you have given to others.  Bestow upon me the strength and humility to forgive those who have trespassed against me and remind me that I have also done wrong.  Teach them how to forgive so there is no bitterness that comes between me and them.

Lord, help me understand how I can make your name known to others so that all the people in the world so they may find comfort in your word.  Please bless everyone around me with your limitless patience and forgiveness.  Use me as a vessel of your word.  What makes me a Christian is the ability to show mercy, forgiveness, and compassion to my brothers and sisters.  I truly understand that I am not special, but through you anything is possible.  Help shape me into the person you want me to be.  I pray this in Jesus’s name.


