[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ layout=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none” last=”no” hover_type=”none” link=”” border_position=”all”][fusion_text]Everyone could use a goodnight prayer. During the night we are our most vulnerable not only to the world but our imaginations. Why not say a few words to God before you go to bed?[/fusion_text][fusion_code]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[/fusion_code][fusion_text]
Good Night Prayer
Jesus, my Lord, I come before you with nothing but overwhelming appreciation in my heart for giving me the gift of life, and for giving me the opportunity to see another day. You are my support in times of trouble and my strength in times of weakness. As I lay my head to rest tonight, I leave all my thoughts and worries in your able hands. All of my sorrows, wishes, and dreams I leave at your feet. Send your holy angels to watch over me, my family, and friends throughout the night. If any evil is sent my way, I ask that you intervene and keep me protected. I declare that no evil shall overcome me. I sincerely hope that a sound, peaceful sleep will be a gift from you tonight.
Watch over those who weep tonight because of trying times. Tend to the weary ones, heal the sick, and soothe their suffering. Take pity on the afflicted ones, and peacefully accept the souls of the dying into your everlasting kingdom. King of Kings, I lift my eyes unto you this night, and as I pray you continue to guide me. You open my eyes so that I can see your wonder-working power around me. I take in all of your awe and wonder as I embrace each moment that has been provided for me during this day. As I lay my head down tonight I pray that you grant me the wisdom to forgive all of the wrong that was done to me and others. Help me awake feeling refreshed and ready for a new day.
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Night Prayer
Lord Jesus, guardian of my soul, as I watch this beautiful day end with the stars in the sky; I thank you for the love you bestowed on me. Each day you have protected me from the harm that would have otherwise injured me. It was another day guided by your light that has seen me through this day. Your grace has enabled me to face the challenges and offer hope to the hopeless. Although this life is never an easy road for me, I always feel blessed because I know you are by my side. Thank you for loving me like you do. I will forever praise your name. I life my hands toward the heavens with joy and a humble spirit. You continuously teach me new things and today was no exception.
Dear Lord, I know that I am not worthy of your love , and I know that I am not worthy of your forgiveness. I fall short of your glory every single day – I forget to pray sometimes, and there are times when I fail miserably at being a follower of Jesus. Sometimes I stray from the good path with the people in my life, and somehow I forget how to be a Christian, but you always forgive me. There is no one else like you, Lord. Thank you for forgiving me unconditionally and giving me new chances to start fresh each day. I will always be in your debt for washing away my sins each day. As I lay my body down tonight I pray that you watch over me, and grant me the opportunity to see another day tomorrow.
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Evening Prayer
As the sun sets and the moon creeps in, I pray to you as I have done many times before. Thank you for another glorious day.
I know that there are some who did not get to see this day. I know that many woke up this morning, but not all got the blessing of witnessing the evening. I appreciate you sending your angels to watch over my family and I. I am not worthy, but you love me nonetheless.
One day I hope to be welcomed into your kingdom. I will get the chance to reunite with my loved ones once more. Grant them all a safe journey home, and when we’re all reunite in perfect peace, your name we shall praise for all eternity. I pray that you will continue to watch over me until that day comes. Without you I will never make it. Continue to shield me from evil, so I may continue your message. Be my guide, and keep me safe on this path, and guard me against others who may try and deceive me. Your name be praised because you alone are our king and protector.
[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_2″ layout=”1_2″ last=”no” spacing=”yes” center_content=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” hover_type=”none” link=”” border_position=”all” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”0.1″ animation_offset=”” class=”” id=”” min_height=””][fusion_text]
Short Goodnight Prayer
Father, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I come before you with thanksgiving in my heart. I am honored and give you praise and adoration for seeing me through this glorious day. My God, my heart is filled with praise as I get to experience another wonderful sunset. Tonight I will rest well in knowing that I did all I could today, and tomorrow is on its way, which will bring many new possibilities for me. I pray that your peace be with me, and that you and the angels watch over me and my loved ones until tomorrow breaks. Now that the day is over and the night is here so now I turn to you to look after me throughout the night. I hope for pleasant dreams tonight, guided by your Holy Spirit, in preparation to face the challenges that tomorrow brings. Protect me tonight, so I may live another day to sing of your love and forgiveness.
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Prayer for Insomnia
Dear Lord, I have recently been having issues insomnia. It’s been very difficult for me to fall asleep at night. No matter what I do, I just can’t seem to fall asleep. I work very hard during the day hoping it will tire me out, but hear I lay sleepless for another night. My day is always fully packed so I don’t understand what causes me to have difficulty sleeping. I really want to avoid any kind of medications or sleep aides. Sometimes I find myself awakening in the middle of the night for no reason. There are even times where I’ll get a decent night sleep and still feel exhausted when I start my day. This is leading to irritability and depression. I have been finding it difficult to focus on the task at hand. Lord, please help me get a good nights rest. I know that this insomnia can be removed with your healing power. I put my whole faith in you trusting that you’ll help me overcome this predicament.
[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_2″ layout=”1_2″ last=”no” spacing=”yes” center_content=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” hover_type=”none” link=”” border_position=”all” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”0.1″ animation_offset=”” class=”” id=”” min_height=””][fusion_text]
[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_2″ layout=”1_2″ last=”yes” spacing=”yes” center_content=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” hover_type=”none” link=”” border_position=”all” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”0.1″ animation_offset=”” class=”” id=”” min_height=””][fusion_text]
Good Night Prayer for Couples
Lord Jesus, we thank you for your protection and love during the day. We give you honor and glory for sustaining our marriage thus far. We reflect on your forgiveness and love in our lives. The entire experience of this beloved union has been a blessing. Fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we may be a reflection of what you expect of us. Let us be a couple united in faith that will continue to serve and honor your name as long as we live. We pray that you surround us with your love as we lay our heads down tonight. Our plans for tomorrow are in your hands. Show us our destiny as we continue our lives. We pray for peace and good rest throughout the night. In your name we pray.
[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ layout=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none” last=”no” hover_type=”none” link=”” border_position=”all”][fusion_text]
Good Night Prayer for Husband and Wife
Everlasting Father, we thank you so much for our marriage. We give you praise for everything that you have given to our family. We are full of joy because of your continuous blessings. This family is the most important gift you have ever given to us. We take this moment to pray that you will continue to watch over us. Help steer us clear of Lucifer’s temptations. We pray that your peace may prevail upon all. As we are about to retire to bed and rest, remind us to always be strong. In the midst of striving to achieve our dreams, guided by your hand, we can remain steadfast in our faith. Let our lives be a testimony of your love.
Good Night Prayer for Married Couples
Loving God, you made us into a holy union, and we always strive to become better people. I thank you for giving me such a loving spouse. It is a precious gift from you. Give me the strength to be a loving and responsible companion for many years to come. Restore us and give us peace as we sleep. As we take our rest after our long day, protect us through the dark night. Remove our worries and troubles. We thank you for being our protector, provider, and our loving Father. This we pray trusting and believing in Jesus name.
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