Category Archives: Stories of God in One’s Life

The Power Behind Faith

In life, everyone is subjected to trials. Some are manageable and others literally bring us to our knees. But one thing remains constant in all of us: faith. We all know that we need to have faith in order for us to get through difficult situations. We all somehow know that the challenges we face in life are there to test how much faith we have in our lives; how much hope we have in a better tomorrow.

Last year, I had no job. I had already quit school, because I was convinced that entrepreneurship was the path I was meant to follow. I’ve had a couple of hungry days, because I needed to scrape whatever I could to pay the bills, and my relationships was getting strained due to the financial hardship. Never have I been through so much pain in my life. Throughout that period, there were only two things that kept me from falling apart: inspiring Bible verses and prayer. Whenever I fell to my knees in prayer, I’d get up strong enough to look for work the next day.

Romans 12:12 asks us to be patient in affliction and faithful in prayer- and I struggled everyday to keep my faith, but without it I had nothing. Eventually, I got a decent job that gave me the opportunity to at least have three square meals a day. It wasn’t much, but I was more than grateful. This year, I was able to land a job that gave me the opportunity to make money under my own terms, and the possibility of being promoted after meeting a certain criteria. This happened after a whole year of struggle, tears, hunger and sorrowful nights.

‘So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’ Sometimes, life deals us a bad hand, in addition to the constant ups and downs it offers. It’s important to have hope that life will get better; that it’s all just a test you need to pass. But nothing feels more comforting than believing and knowing that a higher power has your back- and that all you need to do is ask.




The Only Reality is God and God is Love

A story of hope that was submitted by one of our Christian brothers:

My name is: shame, regret, pain, dirty, failure, angry, hated, and forgotten. My life was full of valleys and with no mountains in view. I did not see something good in a long time until I thought it did not exist. My account starts out like everybody else. For five years of my existence I was the typical child. At that moment, life got in the way and started changing.

When I was five I watched my grandfather take his last breath. Three short months later, at the same age, my dad passed away. He died from a complication from suicide. I was not a “normal” child after that. I sat by myself on the ground during P.E. watching the other children play pleading to God to just notify them I loved them.

That is way too much for a five-year old to handle all by himself. I started getting depressed and attempted suicide. My heart was totally broken and nobody would assist me. As time went on I managed to come out of my depression and saw hope again. Then on February 24, 2008 my world stopped. My great uncle passed away. I was completely lost and empty. Ten short months later disaster struck again. My mother died. I felt very angry in my heart and blamed God for the misfortune.

On June 13, 2011 my faith was put to the test. My mother lost her battle with cancer. I was angry, depressed, and confused. I totally believed that God did not exist and became an atheist. God who was supposed to love me unconditionally had ruined my life, or so I thought. I started going to brothels, drinking and smoking marijuana every day. Curling up to alcohol bottles was the only thing that got me through the day. I give myself away slowly and in pieces. I thought that I had nothing left to lose. I usually looked in mirrors and saw a total stranger who was tired and broken. I was only 16 but felt I had lived for over a thousand years.

After years of pain, I was dog-tired. On October 22, 2013, I was in a cell for two weeks with no one to get me out. My aunt and uncle inevitably came and got me out. I knew I could not continue down the path I was on. I changed but calamity still came. January 15, 2014, the one uncle who got me out, passed away. The ordeal was the hardest thing I ever went through. It did not make any sense; he was only 33. How could God let someone I loved dearly pass away? I could not take it and my heart was broken with no one to turn to. I was so psychologically worn out and wanted to run away.

My late uncle’s friend adopted me and saw great potential. I started going to church and asked Jesus to forgive me and he did. On February 18, 2014, I got born again. I can’t forget the sermon that transformed my life- Matthew 3:10, Christians will produce fruits. Jesus became my existence as I finally stopped fighting. I can smile and laugh and my brokenness is healed. Because of the teaching, I have a reason to smile in my heart. I have many expectations and see the best in the worst.


