Lake Norman Christian School – Huntersville, NC

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Lake Norman Christian School (LNCS) is a private, Christian school located in Huntersville, North Carolina.  The school was founded in 2000 and it provides education for students from pre-kindergarten through the 12th grade.  The mission of LNCS is to provide a Christ-centered education that equips students to serve God and impact the world for His glory.

LNCS offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes traditional subjects such as math, science, English, and social studies, as well as Bible studies and foreign language classes.  The school also offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, music and drama programs, and clubs and organizations.

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One of the unique aspects of LNCS is its emphasis on experiential learning.  The school offers a range of hands-on learning opportunities for students, such as field trips, service projects, and internships.  These opportunities help students to learn in a real-world context, and to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in the classroom.

The academic program at LNCS is rigorous and challenging.  The school is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).  The school’s faculty is highly qualified, with many of the teachers holding advanced degrees.  Even though the tuition may be a bit on the higher side the small class sizes allow for individualized attention and support for each student.  They are also a member of the Carolina Athletic Association for Schools of Choice (CAA4SC), NCAA Clearinghouse, Southern Piedmont Athletic Association (SPAA), and sponsor a National Honor Society Chapter.

In addition to the academic program, LNCS offers a variety of extracurricular activities for students to participate in.  The school also has a music and drama program, with opportunities for students to perform in plays and musicals.  There are also many clubs and organizations for students to get involved in, such as the National Honor Society, disc golf, photography, and yearbook design.

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LNCS is also committed to serving the community.  The school encourages students to participate in community service projects and to get involved in local missions.  The school also hosts various events throughout the year, such as a Fall Festival, a Christmas Program, and a Spring Carnival, to bring the community together and to raise funds for missions and other charitable organizations.

One of the best things about LNCS is the sense of community that is evident on campus.  The school is a close-knit community where students, teachers, and staff all know each other well.  The school also values parental involvement and encourages parents to be actively involved in their child’s education.

In conclusion, Lake Norman Christian School is a Christ-centered school that provides a quality education for students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.  The school’s mission is to equip students to serve God and impact the world for His glory.  The school offers a rigorous academic program, extracurricular activities, and a focus on experiential learning.  LNCS is a close-knit community that values parental involvement and encourages students to get involved in community service and local missions.  The school also strives to provide a safe and nurturing environment that is conducive to learning and spiritual growth.  LNCS is a great choice for families looking for a private, Christian school in the Huntersville area.

Summary of Mission Statement

Lake Norman Christian School is a dynamic community committed to producing graduates of exceptional character and a mindset for serving others and changing the world.  With a focus on academic excellence, the arts, and athletics, the school offers a rigorous curriculum and an outstanding guidance counseling program.  The small class sizes and highly experienced teachers foster critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, communication, character development, and spiritual growth.  It has a long-standing tradition of excellence and by doing so Lake Norman Christian School is looking towards a bright future that welcomes the opportunity to partner with others to teach truth, transform lives, and serve in the name of Christ.

Approximate cost of enrollment

$10,000 – 12,000 per year depending on grade (for year 23-24).  They do offer discounts for multiple students.

