Funeral Prayers – Prayers for Grief and Loss

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Funeral Prayers

Merciful Father, your ways are beyond our understanding.  It is you alone who knows the purpose of our lives.  Today we are grieving our friend’s untimely death.  We are all in shock about this unfortunate situation.  We are in a very dark place filled with confusion, anxiety, and worries.  Give us assurance with your love that he lives forever in heaven.  Your love will help us get through this difficult time.  Our hearts are bursting with grief.  We hope and pray that we’ll be able to bear this heavy burden in our hearts.  Strengthen our faith so that we will have the courage to move on.  Our hearts will hurt for some time.  It feels like there is no solution to what we’re feeling.  We put our trust in you.  We know that during this difficult trial, you are here present among us.  The family and friends of our beloved who passed away are all deeply mourning.  We come to you in prayer in the hopes that you’ll heal our brokenness.  Heavenly Father, please guide the person that passed into your arms.  Let her experience your promise of eternal life.  Show her the path to heaven, and welcome her in your infinitely perfect kingdom.  Amidst this pain that we’re feeling, we believe in your power of healing and comfort.


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Prayer for the Deceased

Dear Heavenly Father, you are the source of our strength in this world.  You have graciously blessed us every day of our lives.  During times of light and dark, you have never failed to be by our side.  In this very moment, we are experiencing so many negative emotions.  The life of a person we truly love has come to an end.  This is a very trying ordeal for all of us who have lived knowing this person. We are perplexed on why you took this person so soon.  We are grieving the loss of a very kind and sweet person.  Help us in this troubled time.  We long for your never-ending grace.  Even though I know she will live with you eternally, I miss her.  Amidst the worries and anxieties that we’re currently feeling, help us get through this storm.  It is very difficult to accept the reality that our beloved has moved on to the next life.  We feel so much pain in our hearts.  We come to you dear Lord for comfort and healing.  Our hearts are broken and we are filled with sorrow.  Please hear our plea.  We hope and pray that our beloved will be welcomed into your heavenly kingdom.  She has spent her life worshiping and glorifying your holy name.  Our hearts are morning and crying out to you dear God.  Have mercy on us and shower us with your revitalizing power.


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funeral prayers

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A Prayer for Someone Who is Dying

Lord Jesus Christ, a person very dear to our hearts is currently experiencing so much pain and suffering.  Their time to join you is coming soon.  His condition is getting worse every day.  It is so hard to see him suffering.  We are so scared about what the future will bring.  The doctors have done their best in treating his illness.  Our family and friends have showed outstanding support throughout this troubled time.  We have continuously asked for your mercy and compassion through prayers.  You have always been the source of our hope.  When we are faced with obstacles, you have never failed to help us.  In this very moment, we don’t know who else to turn to.  You have provided us with all our needs in this life.  You have blessed us with your love and mercy.  We humbly ask in this difficult time that you shower us with strength.  We are grieving and mourning the soon passing of a loved one.  Enlighten our minds so that we may learn to accept that you have a bigger plan for our lives.  We come to you asking for guidance.  You are the only one who understands exactly what we’re going through.  You know of the pain in our hearts.  Lord, please stop the suffering of our beloved.  Please ease his suffering by allowing them to pass into your divine kingdom.  Bless our beloved so he may feel comfort in your presence.



Lord, we are gathered here today to show our love for our beloved who has recently passed away.  The sadness I’m experiencing feels like it will never come to an end.  Most of us are depressed and defeated.  The family members and friends of our beloved are having difficulties in accepting his/her death.  This is one of the most troubling times a person could face in this world.  Although death is inevitable, we understand that it’s an essential part of life, and it is the leaving of this world to join You in the next.  Our beloved has already completed his/her mission in this physical world.  He/She is now on his/her way to your heavenly kingdom.  Welcome him/her dear Father so that he/she may see you face to face.  Bring him/her joy and peace.  Give him/her the promise of eternal life.  For those of us left here on this earth, provide us with your healing mercy and compassion.  It is difficult to move on from this heartbreaking situation.  Our beloved will always remain in our hearts.  The time we spent with him/her will forever be cherished and remembered.  Help us get through this difficult time by comforting and guiding us.  We are praying that one day we will learn to accept the passing of our beloved.  Let us all serve as a shoulder for one another so that we could get through this together.  Life is so precious and beautiful.  Death is tragic and painful.  Please fill us with the wisdom to understand your holy will.  We will always honor our beloved’s memory.  Thank you for letting us get to know him/her in this life.  In the next life, we pray that he/she will be happy living in your heavenly kingdom.


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Prayer for Mourning

Lord God, the giver and taker of life, I know that you always have a plan for us.  I know that you had a reason for taking our loved one to your kingdom.  Lord I am asking that you wipe our sorrows, sadness, and depression that are accompanied with this loss of life.  Help us process our losses and look unto you for healing.  Draw us near you and make us understand that you are our Father and you always know the right thing to do.  Correct our thinking Lord and hold our hands as we cross this dark time that has fallen unto us.  I know we will come out stronger because of this loss.  Open our eyes so that your plan is clear to us.  I will continue to look towards you while my heart is hurting.  Give me comfort and hope when I am weary and in despair.  Remind us of your promises, and give us your assurance that you will mend our broken hearts and give us consolation.  Shower us with your love so we can share it with those who have lost their loved ones too.  I pray.


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Funeral Prayers

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A Short Prayer for Grief

Jesus, our Savior, I thank you for giving me the life that I have.  Recently I’ve had to endure a terrible loss.  I am weary and in intense emotional pain after losing this person.  You are caring and omnipotent so you understand my pain more than I do.  I pray that you console those who knew her.  Give us all a new hope and help us overcome this challenge.  May the Holy Spirit strengthen me in this time of unease.  In the midst of our grief and loss, be our strength, hope, and comfort.  In your name I pray.



Prayer for Grief

My loving God, I kindly ask that you calm us and mend our breaking hearts, because at this moment it’s feeling like everything is falling apart.  Forgive him his sins, and write his name in the book of life.  We are not worthy to be before you God, and we don’t deserve any favors from you.  All I ask is that your may comfort us in this time of grief.  Our hearts are heavy and burdened.  We know this person now resides with you, but we all miss him.  Touch us with your love and compassion.  Help us experience joy and peace again.  Turn our mourning into celebration knowing that our friend now has eternal life.  Lord, we praise and honor your name.



Grieving Prayer

Dear Lord, you are my rock and fortress.  There is no other God apart from you.  I have worshiped and honored your name. You are our refuge in times of trouble and fear.  My grief has aggressively taken down every part of my life.  My heart and mind is tired, and I’m having a tough time finding the light in this situation.  The world has separated me from the rest and I feel isolated and desperate.  My grief is so intense that it is leading to prolonged periods of depression and sadness.  In the midst of all of this, I pray that you renew my spirit, and help me overcome my current situation.  I need you Lord, and I am crying out for your help.  Please hear my cry.


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But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.

2 Samuel 12:23

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Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.
Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

John 11:23-26

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For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:
Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.

Philippians 1:23-24

