Tuesday Morning Prayer

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Tuesday Morning Prayer

Lord, thank you for the gift of another day.  You have given me a chance to represent you on this earth today.  Thank you for taking care of me throughout the night and giving me a good night sleep.  You have given us this beautiful world and the breath of life.

Father, I repent my sins of yesterday for I have sinned against thee.  Please forgive me of the sins that I will commit knowingly and unknowingly today.  Help me learn from my mistakes, so I don’t offend you or others again.

Today, I give you my thoughts and actions.  Help me think about my choices so I can make the correct decision.  Have me heed to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  Help me to be an encouragement to those who are discouraged, and to lift those who are downcast.  I pray for those who find themselves lonely today that they may find comfort in you.

Please give me the spirit of wisdom and knowledge to handle all matters today with understanding.  I pray for my family members, my friends, and coworkers.  May they all have a wonderful day.  I hope that all of those who are displaced in the world that you may give them a place to call home.  I pray that this Tuesday will be a reflection of your awe and wonder.  In Jesus’s name I pray.


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Prayer for Tuesday Morning

Lord, you have led us to a spiritually wealthy place beyond all material things.  You keep us alive, protect us, and guide us as our pathfinder.  As we go about our duties today, show us that you truly love and care for us.  Lead us on and push us through the different times in life.  In our hearts, you remain our King; in our lives, you are our Eternal ruler.  Make this day a blessed and favorable one.

You began the week with us and I want to say thank you for the day you have given us so far.  We commit today into your hands because we know that you will preserve those you love.  We ask that you grant us our petition, and bless the works of our hands.  Each day we see you do great things for us.  We have seen you cast out demons and heal the broken.  We know that you hear the cries of those who call your name.

This is the day that you have made and it is our prayer that you make us rejoice and be glad in it.  Let everything be in our favor and may this Tuesday be bright, glorious, and blessed in Jesus’s name.


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a short tuesday morning prayer

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A Short Tuesday Morning Prayer

Lord, I awake this Tuesday morning to experience another day.  Thank you for everything you have bestowed on me.  You have given me a wonderful and caring family.  During my life I have met some of the most loyal and trustworthy friends.  I have no one else to thank for these gifts but you.  Please watch over all of us as we go about our day.


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Short Tuesday Morning Prayers

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Heavenly Father,

as we continue this week we come to you with gratitude and hope.  We pray that you will guide us through the challenges and opportunities of today and that you will provide us with the strength and wisdom to make the correct decisions.  Help us to approach each task with enthusiasm, to prioritize what truly matters, and to always act with kindness and compassion towards ourselves and others.


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Dear God,

we come to you on this Tuesday morning seeking your blessings and guidance.  Help us to start this day with a positive attitude, to focus on our goals, and to maintain a sense of peace and balance.  We pray that you will give us the courage to confront and conquer any difficulties of the day, and bless us with your grace and love every step of the way.


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Dear Lord,

as I begin this Tuesday I ask for your protection and support.  Help me to approach each task with energy and dedication and to find joy in my work.  I pray that you will give me the wisdom to make the right choices, and that you will bless me with clarity and focus as I navigate this day.  I will always remember that with you by my side, anything is possible.


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On this Tuesday morning, we humbly address you, Heavenly Father, with open hearts and minds, seeking your divine guidance and blessings.  Grant us the courage and determination to confront every challenge that we may encounter today, and help us to find purpose in every opportunity that comes our way.  May your grace and love shower upon us, and provide us with the fortitude and bravery to overcome any obstacles that we may face.


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Almighty God, we begin this Tuesday with a plea for your guidance and assistance.  Please bestow upon us the virtues of patience and empathy by enabling us to treat both ourselves and others with understanding.  With a positive and devoted mindset, may we approach each task that lies before us with enthusiasm.  We entreat that you bless us with wisdom, clarity, and a resolute sense of direction.  Grant us the courage and resilience to surmount any obstacles that we may face, and let us always remember that with you as our guide, we can achieve what we thought was impossible.


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Dear Lord,

I come to you this Tuesday morning with grateful hearts seeking your continued blessing.  I pray that you will guide me towards making the right decisions and that you will give me the strength and wisdom to overcome any challenges that may come my way.  Help me focus on what truly matters, to prioritize my responsibilities, and to approach each day with a positive attitude and a sense of purpose.  I know that with you by my side I am never alone.


