Prayer for Anger

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Prayers for Anger

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Dear God, I come before you with a heart full of frustration and anger.  Please remove these negative emotions and help me find peace within.  Please guide me towards a path of forgiveness and compassion and allow me to see others through your eyes.  I ask for the strength to control my emotions and to respond to difficult situations with grace and patience.  Please fill me with your love and light, and help me to be a vessel of kindness and empathy.  Thank you for your presence in my life, and for your continued unwavering love and support.


Dear Lord, I ask for your mercy and grace as I struggle with feelings of anger and resentment.  Please help me to recognize the root of my anger and to find healthy ways to address the issue and learn from it.  Help me to be mindful of my words and actions, and to respond to others with empathy and compassion.  I want to stop feeling this way.  I need to find peace in the midst of chaos.


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Dear God, I ask for your help in managing my anger and finding peace within.  Please help me to identify triggers that cause my anger to flare up, and to develop healthy ways to manage these triggers.  Let me approach situations with a clear mind and an open heart and to respond in a much healthier way.  Please fill me with your love and light, and put me on a path of healing and forgiveness.  Continue to remain with me in this time of weakness.


Heavenly Father, I implore you for your unwavering strength and guidance in the midst of my struggles with my anger.  Grant me the wisdom to discover healthy outlets to release these negative emotions, and lead me towards inner serenity.  Guide me onto a path of empathy and forgiveness, and teach me to approach challenging circumstances with grace and understanding.  Infuse me with your love and light and use me as a conduit of your peace and benevolence.  I offer my deepest gratitude for your enduring love and grace, and for your direction on this journey towards inner peace and harmony.


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Heavenly Father, I need your help with something.  I’ve been feeling angry a lot lately and I’m not sure how to deal with it.  Can you show me how to understand my feelings better and approach situations with a better view?  I need to try and find peace.  I really want to let go of grudges and forgive people, so please help me.  I want to respond to others with kindness and compassion, even if it’s hard sometimes.  Thank you for always being there for me and for your love and support.


Dear God, I recognize the importance of maintaining a peaceful and balanced mind, and I ask for your guidance in achieving this.  Please assist me in finding healthy outlets to cope with stress and to approach challenges with patience and empathy.  Show me the path towards forgiveness and compassion, and help me to release any grudges or resentments that I may be harboring.  Bless me so I may be a vessel of kindness and understanding towards those around me.  I am very grateful for your constant love and grace, and for your help on this journey towards inner tranquility.


