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Prayer for Good Luck
Mighty father, in the name of Jesus I approach you in this time of need. I ask that your favor follow me wherever I step with the sole of my feet. In my interaction with other people, I ask that I will receive favor. Wherever I step, may your goodness and mercies follow me all the days of my life. I ask that you may allow my feet to, once again, find the path and deliver me from my misfortunes of life. May good luck be by my side wherever I go. I hope that no spirit of bad luck, rejection, and misfortune shall befall me or my children. As your mercies are new each day, so do I ask for the renewal of your love upon my life every day break. I decree that whatever I will place my hands on it will prosper because am your disciple. I ask for good luck in my career, business, and family. Sanctify me from every form of sin that leads to misfortunes. Thank you for listening to my petitions. I believe and trust that it is established in Jesus name.
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Good Fortune Prayer
God almighty, I come before you confessing my sins. I pray that you may forgive me and renew within me a new light. I pray that you may bestow my life with good fortune. Let financial breakthrough, good health, and a humble spirit come my way. I ask that you provide me with divine guidance so that I may be able to remain calm. Bring good fortune into my life so that I may be able to support my family. I know that you understand all my pains and shortcomings. Help me Lord so that I can be a better provider to my family. Above all God, help me remain righteous so I’m able to enter your kingdom. In the name of our Lord.
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Prayer for Good Fortune
Heavenly father, I come before you at this moment as your humble servant. I know you hear my prayer, and that you are honest in answering. I first want to thank you for everything that you have given me. It is not by my own strength or power, but by your grace and mercies. Lord, I present to you my current financial situation. You know very well how I have been trying to make some aspects of my life better. I come to you because I know that nothing is impossible for you. I surrender all my concerns to you and pray for good fortune. Find me a way. I don’t ask this just because of financial reasons. There are a few things in my life that could be better. Bless me abundantly so I may have this request. I pray that the Holy Spirit may guide me in all my undertakings so I may not deviate from the right path. Thank you for hearing my plea.
Short Prayer for Good Fortune
Dear God, I present to you all my worries. You are my God who will remain exalted here on earth and above in heaven. I pray that you will grant me and my family financial freedom. I pray for good fortune so that I can continue to support my family and help others. I thank you for your unconditional love that has sustained us this far. I pour my heart out to you Lord God. Bless me with sufficient wealth, good health, and above all, bring happiness to my family. I pray in Jesus’s name.